Can I book online?
NO! All booking must be done via phone with a staff member. Online booking is not enabled.
Do we take insurance?
We do not. We are a cash pay practice.
Contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy
Important you read:
What will hinder me from getting colon hydrotherapy?
Contraindications For Colon Hydro Therapy
Anemia: People with significant anemia are at risk for cardiac compromise and may experience worsening of their anemia due to water absorption through the colon.
Aneurysm: Contraindicated if a know aneurysm is present within the abdomen.
Anticoagulation: Contraindicated when the person is taking prescription blood thinners.
Colorectal Cancer: Contraindicated if tumor is present (not surgically resected).
Cardiac Disease (e.g., Uncontrolled Hypertension): The procedure may predispose at-risk persons to increased cardiac challenges such as blood-pressure shifts during CHT. (Colon Hydro Therapy)
Cirrhosis of the Liver: A compromised liver is always a contraindication for CHT.
Congestive Heart Failure: People who have poorly functioning hearts cannot tolerate additional stress on the heart, including water absorption through the colon.
Crohn’s Disease: Contraindicated when severe or active disease is present.
Diverticulitis: Contraindicated when person is in an acute phase, otherwise maybe medically supervised.
Epilepsy and Seizures: Contraindicated when uncontrolled.
Fissures and Fistulas: Contraindicated if painful and bleeding.
GI Hemorrhage: Contraindicated if actively or recently bleeding
Hemorrhage: Contraindicated is swollen, painful, or bleeding.
Incarcerated Abdominal Hernia: Contraindicated if painful.
Dialysis: Kidney weakness make is challenging to manage water absorption through colon.
Pregnancy: May cause risk for miscarriage early in pregnancy and premature labor later.
Prostatitis: Contraindicated when acute as the prostate may be inflamed.
Renal Insufficiency or Tumor on the Kidney:
Surgery: Recent abdominal surgery is contraindicated within twelve weeks of uncomplicated surgery.
Ulcerative Colitis: Contraindicated when severe or active disease.
Intestinal perforation:
Carcinoma of the rectum:
Do you help treat terminal or chronic illness?
We do not diagnose or treat any kind of illness. We offer natural alternatives as suggestions and in a therapeutic environment.
How should I prepare for my first treatment?
It is recommended to avoid a heavy meal 2+ hours before your session. Also drink plenty of water as the colon will absorb water at the beginning to offset dehydration and may delay the first movement of your bowel.