About Us

Our approach to bodywork includes addressing and eliminating postural distortions caused by muscular tension and imbalances. We have found that the body’s inefficient opposition to gravity, chronic abuse/misuse and trauma cause musculoskeletal pain. In other words, these occurrences cause the body’s weight to shift off the bones and onto the muscles. This shifting, altering, and compensating often leads to the formation of eschemic muscular knots and adhesion referring pain to distant areas, deviations (unevenness) in leg lengths, distortions in the pelvis and spine (misalignment), depressed or elevated shoulder girdles, collapsed (stooped or slouched) upper body, forward head positioning, and other ailments.
Our objective is to focus on muscles that are overly “locked” short from chronic excess muscle and nerve tension (CEM&NT) and the muscular imbalances that link poor posture, musculoskeletal pain, and the restriction of body movements.
Our unique approach to skillful resolution of chronic muscle tension and the many problems it causes separates Arukah Touch from all other forms of treatment currently available.
Most of our Clients have been to many kinds of therapeutic practitioners searching for relief from a variety of problems; yet they did not find sufficient or complete relief until they experienced our proven approach to soft-tissue therapy. This success is what sets us apart from other therapeutics available today.